Palestra – Prof. Michel Kinnaert – Université Libre de Bruxelles

06/11/2013 07:30

Entre os dias 06 e 13/11/2013 o Prof. Michel Kinnaert (Université Libre de Bruxelles) estará visitando o PPGEAS pelo Projeto de Cooperação Científica “Análise de Estabilidade, Identificação e Síntese de Controle para Sistemas de Tempo Discreto com Aplicações em Bioprocessos”, financiado pelo CNPQ/FNRS.

O Prof. Michel Kinnaert é Coordenador do “Service D’automatique et D’analyse des Systèmes” da Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) e atua na área de Controle Tolerante a Falhas.

Palestra: dia 08/11/2013, às 14h00, Sala PPGEAS I

Título: An Introduction to fault Diagnosis Systems with Application to Aircraft Turbine Engines and Wind Turbines”


Fault diagnosis systems, also called condition monitoring systems, provide on-line information on the
state of health of a device or a process. They aim at detecting small degradations, so that
maintenance operations can be planned in due time, before the faults lead to process shut down. In
this seminar, the typical structure of a fault diagnosis system will be introduced. It is made of two
parts: a residual generator and a decision system. The first aims at generating fault indicators (also
called residuals) from the measurement recorded on-line. The second processes the residual signals
in order to provide a list of the most likely fault(s), if any. Next the principle of a design method for
both parts will be presented. The methodology will then be illustrated on two applications, namely
leak detection in the lubrication system of an aircraft turbine engine, and sensor monitoring in wind
driven doubly fed induction generators.