(English) International students – general steps
- Accommodation
- Visit https://classificados.inf.ufsc.br/ or other agencies around the city and search for a proper housing opportunity.
- You need to request a contract, a declaration letter which indicates that you are living in a house and your electronic house address which is included in water or electricity bills.
- You need to go to one of the notary offices to confirm the signature of your house owner for the declaration letter.
Address: R. Lauro Linhares, 1849 – 1º Andar – Trindade, Florianópolis – SC, 88036-003
- Registration at PPGEAS
- In order to register at PPGEAS, you need to go to PPGEAS secretary office in person with your Passport, Student VISA (ITEM IV, Connected to UFSC), and your Acceptance Letter.
- You may request for the registration letter in which your student number is included and for a declaration letter which indicates you are studying at PGEAS
- Applying for CRNM in Federal Police
The complete information about this step is provided in the following address:
Address: Rua Paschoal Apóstolo Pítsica, 4744 – Agronômica, Florianópolis – SC, 88025-255
- Applying for the CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física)
In order to apply and collect your CPF, go to the Receita Federal office with your passport.
Address: Receita Federal Address: Rua Claudino Bento da Silva, 11 – Centro – Florianópolis.
Office hours:
Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Telephone: +55 48 3229 2000
- Opening a bank account (student with scholarship)
In order to open a bank account in Brazil, you need to go to one of the banks (Banco do Brasil, Caixa Economica Federal and etc) with the following documents.
- passport
- house contract, house declaration, electronic address
- Federal Police registration letter
- university registration and declaration letters
- Applying for UFSC Card
In order to receive your UFSC card, you need to go to the CARD office near the university restaurant with your passport and your registration letter and collect your university card.
- Applying for UFSC Account
As an international student, you can access the campus wireless network. In order to do that, you will need an idUFSC (obtained only after registration at UFSC).
1. Access idufsc.ufsc.br.
Here you will be redirected to another page.
- Select “PASSAPORTE”.
- Enter your passport number and, on the next box, your date of birth.
- Click on “VERIFICAR”.
- Confirm your e-mail and click on “SOLICITAR NOVA SENHA”
- In a few minutes, you will receive an e-mail from “sccp”.
- Click on the link provided in the email (if it doesn’t work, copy and paste the link on the browser)
You will be redirected to a new page.
- Type in a password (it has to have at least 8 characters and at least one capital letter and one number).
- Type the password again in the next box.
- Click on “SAVE”.
- You’ll be redirected to a page where you’ll be asked to confirm your e-mail.
- Click on “IR PARA O IDUFSC” (at the end of the page).
- In few minutes, you will receive an e-mail from “sccp” with a link. Click on it.
- The link will take you to a page where you’ll need to type in your password (the one you used on step 9).
- After typing your password, click on “ENTRAR”.
- You can now choose your username. In order to do that, drag the suggestions on the left to the box, and then click on “VERIFICAR DISPONIBILIDADE”.
- If your username turns green, it means it is available. If it is red, please drag another suggestion to the box, because the one you chose is not available.
- After choosing an available username, click on “REGISTRAR NOME DE USUÁRIO”. It will take you to another page where your username will be displayed.
How to enable wireless access
- Access ufsc.br and type in your username and password.
- Now that you’re on your idUFSC page, click on “ACESSO A REDE”,
- Click on the “WIRELESS” tab (right beside the “INFORMAÇÕES” tab).
- To enable wireless access, click on “HABILITAR WIRELESS” (the grey button below
your username).
Now you have enabled internet access. Go to the internet access area on your computer and choose the wireless network named “eduroam”. A window will pop up. Write your username and password there and you should be able from now on to access the internet on campus.
- Applying for the student bus card
The Student Electronic Card allows students to pay a cheaper fare for public transportation use in Florianópolis. The card is rechargeable and the credits can be bought at the SETUF (Sindicato das Empresas de Transporte Urbano de Passageiros da Grande Florianópolis) office, located in the Central Bus Station (TICEN), or at the ticket counters of any other bus station. The credits also can be bought online.
– SETUF office hours: Monday to Friday, from 8 a.m.to 6 p.m.
– The student card is valid until 31 December and it may only be used in the next year after re-registration.
– In case of doubts, access: http://www.setuf.com.br/passe-rapido/cartoes/estudante/ or call SETUF at +55 (48) 3251-4114.
– Address: Av. Paulo Fontes, 701 –Centro, Florianópolis –SC, 88010-040.
– Passport;
– Statement of Enrollment;
– Original Proof of Residence, dated within the last three months (water, light or telephone bill)*;
– Name of routes and public transport companies used;
– The student must go to the SETUF office in person to take a picture;
– Registration fee: R$ 4.00 for municipal transport (electronic pass).