PosAutomação recebe Professor Philipp Braun [Australian National University]
Seminário “Controller design for input saturated linear systems: Increased estimates of the region of attraction through controller augmentations”
Abstract: Standard approaches to locally stabilize the origin of input saturated linear systems rely on semidefinite programming. These approaches provide estimates of the region of attraction in terms of sublevel sets of Lyapunov functions. Starting from these results, we discuss controller design augmentations for linear systems with asymmetric actuator saturation to increase the estimate of the region of attraction of the origin of the closed loop system. Novel results are obtained by stabilizing reference points, i.e., shifted equilibria, selected via the solution of a state dependent optimization problem enjoying desirable asymptotic properties. Finally, the reference points are shifted gradually to the origin, leading to larger domains for which asymptotic stability can be guaranteed. The results are illustrated on numerical examples.
Speaker: Philipp Braun (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
Short bio: Philipp Braun received the Diploma in mathematics (equivalent to M.Sc.) from Technical University Kaiserslautern, Germany, in 2012, and the PhD degree in mathematics from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, in 2016, under the supervision of Prof. L. Grüne.
From October 2016 to August 2018, he was an Assistant Professor with the University of Bayreuth with a double affiliation with the University of Newcastle, Callaghan, Australia. From October 2016 to July 2020, he has been a Senior Research Associate with the University of Newcastle. Since August 2020, he holds a position with the Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, where he is currently a Senior Lecturer in the School of Engineering.
Philipp Braun is an IEEE Senior Member; he is currently a member of the IEEE-CSS Conference Editorial Board and an associate editor for the European Journal of Control. His main research interests include stability analysis of and controller design for constrained nonlinear dynamical systems.
Data: 14/12/2022
Horário: 11:00
Local: Sala PósAutomação Térreo
O seminário é aberto a professores e alunos (graduação e pós-graduação) interessados no tema.