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Ciclo de Seminários em Controle baseado em eventos e ferramentas-laboratórios virtuais para o ensino de Engenharia.

24/10/2013 08:46

Palestrante: Prof. Sebastián Dormido Bencomo

Professor Titular na Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia de Madrid, Espanha.

Doutor pela Universidad del Pais Vasco em 1971, o Prof. Sebastian é um dos principais pesquisadores e professores da Espanha na área de controle. Foi Presidente da “Asociación Española de Informática y Automática” e do “Comité Español de Automática”, assim como palestrante convidado em diversos eventos internacionais. Tem trabalhado em diversos temas entre os que se destacam: Controle de Processos, Controle Preditivo,  Autosintonia de Controladores PID, Modelagem e simulação, Controle Robusto e Laboratórios virtuais e remotos para o ensino de automática. Nestes temas dirigiu 25 Teses de Doutorado e publicou mais de 200 artigos em revistas.

Cronograma de atividades:

Terça-feira (5/11/2013) – às 16h00

Conferência 1: Interactividad en Control Automático: Fundamentos y experiencias.


The first part of this lecture presents the concepts of interactivity and visualization and its essential role in learning the fundamentals and techniques of automatic control. More than 10 years of experience of the author in the development and design of interactive tools dedicated to the study of automatic control concepts are also exposed. The second part of the paper summarizes the main features of the “Automatic Control with Interactive Tools” text that has been recently published by Pearson and whose aim is to provide a series of auto-contained tools allowing to learn different basic concepts related to the automatic control. The work has been focused on how to represent the main concepts and how to formulate them according to learning based on examples.

Quinta-feira (07/11/2013) – às 10h00

Conferência 2: Desarrollo de Laboratorios virtuales/remotos en Ciencias e Ingenieria


This lecture describes the latest developments carried out in the UNEDLabs Portal (http://unedlabs.dia.uned.es/) which is a network of collaborative virtual and remote Laboratories developed by the Department of Computer Science and Automatic Control of the Technical School of Computer Engineering at UNED. After a brief introduction to the concept and fundamentals of virtual and remote laboratories a panoramic overview of all developments made by the group in the past will be shown. Finally some new laboratories that have been put in place, in the last year will be presented in order to show how an end user can publish new labs in the UNEDLabs Portal.

Quinta-feira (07/11/2013) – às 11h00

Conferência 3: Fundamentos de Control baseado en Eventos.


Most research in control engineering considers periodic or time-driven control systems. Event based control is particularly a very promising alternative when systems with reduced computation and communication capacities are considered. For event-driven controllers it is the occurrence of an event, instead of the autonomous progression of time what decides when the sampling should be made. This lecture presents an overview of the current situation of event based control systems. The main based event sampling schemes are described and the different strategies of control design using this sampling type are analysed. In particular the important case of event based PID control will be considered.

As palestras serão realizadas nas Salas de Aula do PPGEAS.

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