Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado – Henrique Amaral Misson – 3/4/2019

17/05/2019 15:43
Defesa de Dissertação de Mestrado
Aluno Henrique Amaral Misson
Orientador Prof. Leandro Buss Becker, Dr. – DAS/UFSC
Coorientador Prof. Fernando Silvano Gonçalves, Dr. – IFSC
Data 3/4/2019 (quarta-feira) – 9h00

Sala PPGEAS II (piso inferior)

Banca Prof. Leandro Buss Becker, Dr. – DAS/UFSC (presidente);

Prof. David Pereira, Dr. – ISEP/IPP/Portugal;

Prof. Max Hering de Queiroz, Dr. – DAS/UFSC;

Prof. Jean-Marie Alexandre Farines, Dr. – DAS/UFSC.

Título Applying Formal Verification Techniques to Safety-Critical Systems Design
Abstract:  The development of safety-critical systems is a task that requires high levels of assurance of the functional and non-functional requirements expected in its project. Due to the complexity of these systems, which involve many functionalities and constant interaction with the external environment, where a failure in its operation can cause serious consequences, the use of verification techniques are crucial to validate these requirements, since properties that describe the correct functioning of the target system are confronted with its current model. Despite the existence of efficient verification techniques, often the need to complement this approach is fundamental to cover some gaps left by existent limitations and ensure system correctness. In this sense, many efforts by communities and companies have been made in integrating these verification methods, but this is still a great challenge. With this, a verification process involving techniques like model checking, runtime verification and analysis of software behavior are foreseen in the proposal of this work. In order to apply this approach, a UAV project is used as a case study, where the main focus is to validate the scheduling problem of the involved software.