Realização de Seminários na área de BMI – Auditório da Engenharia Elétrica (CTC)
Terça Feira, 07/08/2018, 10h -10:30h, Auditório da Engenharia Elétrica, CTC
Title: Classification of Early Human Actions from 1D and 2D EEG Signals
Classification of early human actions from Electroencephalography (EEG) of brain activity has important applications in health and safety, for example, accident prevention during car driving and neuro-prosthetics control. A common approach to performing this early classification is trial averaging, which mitigates the problem of inherent noise associated with the direct decoding of EEG signals. However, trial averaging needs several examples to infer early classification, letting it unsuited to on-line applications. To easy this problem, single trial analysis of EEG activity sounds a natural choice to be used in on-line applications. In this presentation, I will present a novel procedure that extends the time feasibility for classification of early human actions and is suitable for on-line applications, in two examples 1) car driving and 2) object classification in 3D space from reaching motions.
This presentation is divided in three parts. In the first one, I will give a broad overview of the work done at the Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV) and the Applied Computing Grupo. In the second part, I will talk about the research performed in the Applied Computing Group related to development in Neuro-Technologies for the mining and society. In the last part, I will present some experiences and results that we have had by combining, Machine Learning, Virtual Reality and single trial analysis of 1D and 2D EEG signals in two examples: car driving and visually-guided reaching in 3D space.
Schubert Ribeiro de Carvalho, PhD.
Pesquisador Adjunto e líder de pesquisa no Instituto Tecnológico Vale (ITV)
Vale do Rio Doce, Belém, Pará.
CV Lattes:
Terça Feira, 07/08/2018, 10:45h -11:15h, Auditório da Engenharia Elétrica, CTC
Título: Neurociência e Engenharia: perspectivas de colaboração
Serão abordados aspectos da pesquisa translacional realizada na UFSC na área de neurociências aplicada a doenças neurológicas e psiquiátricas. Investigamos biomarcadores que possam ser incorporados a modelos prognósticos na área de traumatismo craniano, doença de Parkinson e, Epilepsia. Estes modelos são úteis na tomada de decisão da prática clínica bem como na identificação de potenciais alvos terapêuticos. No âmbito da colaboração com as ciências exatas estamos interessados na extração de informações contidas em sinais eletrofisiológicos (cerebral e cardíaco) que possam ser utilizadas tanto em modelos prognósticos, bem como em dispositivos médicos, implantáveis ou não, com o propósito de realimentar a informação.
Roger Walz, PhD.
Professor do Departamento de Clínica Médica da UFSC
Centro de Neurociências Aplicadas do Hospital Universitário da UFSC
CV Lattes: